20 Rules of Money – Must Know

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20 rules of money are very important to know about to play a money game. Most people earn a lot of money but end up having nothing in their pockets or bank account. Why? Because they don’t know what to do with their money. Always remember that earning money is hard but saving money is even harder. 

If you are facing the same problem and don’t know what to do with the money you earn, then there is no need to worry anymore. Because we are going to tell you about 20 rules for money that will completely change your life. Let’s begin right now.

20 rules of money you must know

Do you know what is the beauty of the money game? It can be learned and that transforms your life. Here are 20 rules of money you need to know to learn the money game.

1. Money is emotionless

Money is neutral and emotionless. That means it isn’t good or bad. It is the user of money that makes it good or bad. For example, a greedy person makes it a bad thing because greed is a curse. On the flip side, a generous person makes it a good thing. So, you cannot consider money good or bad. 

2. Don’t hate money

As rule 1 says, money is neutral. It isn’t good or bad. Therefore, don’t hate money because you consider it an evil thing or something bad. If you hate money, you won’t be able to get money. 

3. Develop a wealth mindset

Anyone can become a billionaire with a proper mindset. You cannot become a billionaire if you don’t develop a wealthy mindset. Yes, it is psychology that plays a huge role here. With the right wealth mindset, hard work, and dedication, you can accumulate wealth. Although a wealthy mind doesn’t ensure wealth, a poor mindset always causes problems. 

4. Develop your own strategy

Having a personalized wealth-building strategy is the key to the money game. You need a strategy that aligns with your personality, money goals, risk tolerance level, and time frame. However, never stick to one strategy and keep improving your strategy with time.

5. Find model financial success

You can also find model financial success. That means you need to find someone who has realized the money goals you want to achieve. Study that model and implement that in your game to maximize the odds of success. 

6. Grow your money

Growing your money is among the most important 20 rules of money. You should take the initiative to grow your money. Growing your money is the key to becoming wealthy. For example, you can start a business to grow your money. You have multiple other options such as trading. In fact, there is a wide array of options to grow your money in this digital era. Otherwise, you don’t have a chance to accumulate wealth.

7. Carefully manage your money

As we have mentioned earlier, earning money is hard but saving money is even harder. The same rule applies to managing your money. Earning money is hard but managing your money is even harder. Don’t be among those who waste their money. Instead, be among those who carefully manage and grow their money.

8. Investing

Those who seek investment opportunities to compound their money get their money grown. Yes, investing your money is among the key to becoming wealthy. All billionaires invest their money to compound it and that’s what you need to do as well. Study the success stories of investors like Warren Buffet who accumulated wealth through investing their money. 

9. Risk/reward ratio

The key to successful investing is the risk/reward ratio. That means you need to make your money moves by considering potential risks and rewards. Obviously, you would want to take the risk that is worth the reward. Always remember that you need to optimize your gains while minimizing your risk.

10. Risk management

Proper risk management in all your money-making endeavors is the key to accumulating wealth. In fact, risk management is the most vital pillar that upholds your money. Moreover, it is risk management that helps you keep your money and stay rich. Otherwise, your money will keep slipping from your hands.

11. Value for money

Value for money means spending on worthwhile things that offer the best value for your money. It is the very golden rule because going for cheaper options never do good for you. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you should buy everything. Instead, buy things that you need and that improve your quality of life. However, the rule is to spend money only on things that offer the best value for money. 

13. Get rich overnight fallacy

The mentality to get rich overnight only brings harm and no good. Always remember that slow and steady wins the race. Don’t be a hare who runs fast but loses the race. Instead, be a turtle who keeps on going slowly and finally wins the race. 

14. Study market wizards

Market wizards are smart investors who invest their money wisely and make a lot of gains. There are numerous role models in this regard who have done astonishingly well. Find them and learn how they made money. You will have a lot of ideas by knowing about them. Simply put, always follow smart money to make money.

15. Diversification

Diversification means having versatile assets in your portfolio. It minimizes risk and maximizes gains. Therefore, always diversify and never put all eggs in one basket.

16. Leverage

Although leverage is a high risk, it maximizes gains. You can capitalize on the power of leverage and maximize gains with borrowed money. However, it is important to use leverage with extraordinary care to prevent unbearable losses. 

17. Business partnerships

Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs partnered to enjoy remarkable success. Similarly, Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger partnered to taste remarkable success. That’s why you also need to partner with a reliable businessperson to exponentially grow your money.

18. Continuous learning

Knowledge is power and when you continue to learn, new ideas come to your mind. Continuous learning is a habit that almost all billionaires share among them. Read books, learn about billionaires, new technology, and so on to have innovative ideas.

19. Invest in yourself

You are the most precious asset for yourself. Therefore, invest in your health, happiness, education, etc. to keep yourself fit and ready for challenges in the money game. Investing in yourself is crucial because it is you who has to tackle challenges. 

20. Perseverance and determination

Perseverance and determination keep you on the path. However, most people give up too early and lose hope. This is an attitude that brings failure. Contrarily, if you keep on going and following your strategy, you will find success eventually. 

Russell Crane

Russell Crane

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