Selling Put Options – How does it work? Is it worth it?


selling put options

Buying an awesome company doesn’t have to be based on the market’s price. Instead, you could specify your price and receive payment when the stock dips to the level. In this article, let’s focus on Selling Put Options.

You can do that by trading put options.

Put options are sold as rights, not obligations, to make you purchase 100 shares of a corporation before a certain date at a certain price.

By giving you this option, they are increasing their flexibility, and you are decreasing your flexibility.

If you do this smartly; by buying shares of a great company if their price drops, you can earn money doing something you already needed to do anyway. Once you have them, you can keep them for however lengthy or chunky you want.

What does a Put Option Mean?

A choice purchaser with a put choice has the right – however not the commitment – to sell hidden bond at a foreordained cost and inside a predefined period for a foreordained sum. 

Put choices have a strike cost at which the choice purchaser can sell the current bond.

It is possible to trade multiple underlying assets with put options, such as bonds, stocks, futures, currencies, commodities, and indices.

By contrast, the call option grants the owner the power to acquire the mentioned equity at a named price on or before the end time of such an option arrangement.

How a Put Option Works

When the value of an underlying stock or security decreases, the put option gets more valuable. The value of the put option decreases as the primary stock price rises. Due to this, you can typically use them to hedge or speculate on price declines.

It is common for investors to use a put option as part of a risk management strategy. You can call this a protective option. Its purpose is to protect against failures in the basic asset exceeding a certain level. 

Using this strategy, an investor hedges downside risk on the property kept in his portfolio by purchasing a put option. The trader would trade the property at the hit cost of the put option.

In the case where the merchant doesn’t own the stock, he or she would generate a short post in the property.

Buying and Selling Put Options

Investors must enter the exact option they require, such as several variables, when buying or selling a put option. You must know which option security you want to purchase or exchange from the dozens of options available. To set up an options trade, you’ll need the following elements:

  • Inherent security: Stock with which the option has a connection with
  • Options strategy: Puts or calls
  • Date of expiration: The settlement date of that option
  • Strike price: Option holders can to purchase or exchange the stock at the price specified in the option
  • Premium: The cost of such option
  • Type of order: Orders on the market or limited orders

Open your trade carefully because it’s simple to start an order that’s the exact reverse of what you plan to do, possibly costing you much cash.

When ordering your trade, you’ll also want to analyze the breakeven cost, i.e., at what rate does the property have to get to before you earn cash on the option at closing.

You should also use limit orders with options contracts to prevent driving up your expenses. When placing an end trade, you define a price you’re willing to accept, and if the exchange can’t match your price, your trade won’t be done.


You will never fall higher than the strike value if you purchase a put option. A modest price is paid to the individual willing to purchase your stock.

They are compensated for the risk they assume. The fact is, they recognize you could demand them to purchase it at any time through the agreed time. On that day, the stock might also be worth less than it is today.

They understand the stock will rise, so it’s worth it to them. For the slight chance of having to purchase the stock, they’d preferably have the price you supply him than the danger you take.

  • Long Put: This is known as a long put if you purchase a put without holding the property. 
  • Protected Put: A protected put is one that you buy on a capital you already hold. 


You agree to obtain a stock at a set price when you trade a put option. Such a practice is called shorting puts.

If the stock value falls, put traders lose cash. The reason is that they can only sell the stock at a cheaper price since they must buy the stock at the finding cost. 

The client won’t use the option if the stock value rises, so they profit. Put sellers keep their fee.

To remain in business, put sellers write many of puts on assets they think will increase in worth. In addition to collecting fees, they hope to offset losses incurred when stock rates sink.

An apartment owner’s mindset is comparable to a put seller’s. The hope is that the guilty tenants will pay enough rent to compensate for the bums and those who destroy the residence.

By buying the same option from someone else, a put trader can leave the agreement at any time. They pocket the difference if the new fee is cheaper than the old fee. If the trade goes against them, they will do this.

Many dealers trade puts on stocks they would want to have because they believe they are presently undervalued. Since they think the stock will increase again eventually, they are happy to buy it at the current price. They purchase the property at a discount since the put buyer pays the fee.

You can sell put options to:

  • Make double-digit gains even in a bearish, plane, or exaggerated market. For great investment returns, you don’t require a powerful bull sale or quick business increase.
  • To protect your portfolio from a market crash, add about 10% to your portfolio. As a result, your equity positions are likely to fall just 15% if the exchange falls 25%.
  • Keep your cost basis low and open stock trades at the value you need. The prevailing market value gives a better value when you purchase during dips.

What does a Cash-Covered Put Mean?

Cash-covered puts are a two-part strategy that involves selling an out-of-the-money put option and setting aside the capital for the chief stock if it reaches the option’s strike price. If the option is assigned to you, the goal of this strategy is to acquire the stock at a lower price than the market’s offering.

When and Why to Use Cash-Covered Puts

Have you ever entered a limit order to purchase a stock below its current trading price, only to find yourself waiting around for the price to drop before your order was executed? Couldn’t you make a little money in the meantime? That’s what cash-covered puts are for.

A cash-covered put can be sold to an option buyer for a premium. You pay the premium for the buyer’s claim to sell your shares exactly at the discovery cost at any time before expiration.

If you get assigned the shares, you will receive a premium that allows you to lower your overall purchase price.

However, what happens if you fail to receive the shares by the expiration date? The premium remains yours. Although you may have intended to own the stock, at least you received some reward for waiting for its price to drop.

Risk and Profit Potential

There are two components to the profit potential of cash-covered puts: the option trade, and if the stock is assigned. A premium trade offers the most profit potential. If the stock is assigned to you and you are given ownership, your upside can be unlimited if the stock rises.

You are also obligated to purchase shares of the fundamental stock at the original strike price if shares of the stock fall below the strike cost or event to $0.

The risk associated with a cash-covered put is different from using a limit order to gain a stock.

Does Selling Put Options Have Unlimited Risk?

There is no limit to the risk associated with selling stocks short. The purchase of a put option on MSFT at the 230 strike price, however, commits the buyer to buy MSFT stock at a share price of $230.

The worst-case scenario is that MSFT drops to $0 before the contract is executed. You would lose about $23,000 (230 x 100 = $23,000) minus the premium you received.

The loss is still huge. However, MSFT’s chances of being worth zero are extremely slim. In addition, you could limit your losses by closing out your position before the stock rate dropped that far. The seller will likely execute the contract to lock in profits before the stock reaches zero.

There will always be a defined maximum loss for a seller on a put sale. Naked calls, on the other hand, do have unlimited risk.

Selling puts far out of the money (far away from the current stock price) provides a significant amount of padding. It allows quite a bit of movement in the property cost. However, selling out-of-the-money puts can be tough. The challenge is finding good enough premiums to justify the trade.

Put’s Price Affected by Various Factors

Due to the impact of time decay, the amount of a put option diminishes as its expiration date nears. When an option’s point to closing approaches, time corrosion quickens since there’s a shorter time to benefit from the deal.

The intrinsic worth remains after an option has lost its time value. It is the distinction between the strike worth of an option and its underlying price that determines its fundamental value. ITM means that an option has essential value.

At the money or ATM and out of the money or OTM put claims have no inherent worth, since using the option is of no benefit.

Rather than using an out-of-the-money put option at an unacceptable strike value, investors can short-sell the stock at the current higher market price. However, short selling is more perilous than buying put options outside of a bear exchange.

The bonus of the benefit reflects the extrinsic value or time value. A put security with a strike price of 20USD, and the stock is presently selling at $19, has an intrinsic value of $1. In this case, the put security might be worth $1.35.

Since the stock value can vary before the option lapses, the extra $0.35 represents the time value. Put spreads are formed by combining put claims on the same inherent asset.

When it gets to trading put titles, you must keep a few factors in mind. Consider an option contract’s worth and profitability when contemplating a deal, otherwise, you risk the capital slipping behind the limit of profitability.

Difference between Put and Call Options

Call options, on the other hand, increase in value as the cost of the stock rises. In this way, call options can be used to speculate on a stock’s rise. Call options are the reverse of put options, although they have comparable risks and rewards:

  • In the same way that you can get back many times your stake by buying a put option, you can also do the same with a call option.
  • As with purchasing a put option, when you purchase a call option, you run the prospect of squandering all your investment if the call terminates empty.
  • In the same way as trading a put option, trading a call option acquires a bonus, but the dealer takes on all the dangers if the property moves negatively.
  • Sell a call option instead of a put option, and you are exposed to uncapped declines. It is possible to suffer losses several times more than you received in premiums.


The purpose of put selling is to collect the income. Options traders have an upside cap of such option’s entry price. A put seller cannot participate in any stock’s upside movement, unlike a long position.

It can be a rewarding trading strategy, but only if you can find options far out of the money and are patient enough to let the premiums dwindle. 

Russell Crane

Russell Crane

Russell is an Algorithmic & Technical Analyst Trader @ PatternsWizard.
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