Trading psychology

To trade effectively in the financial markets, many skills are needed. It requires the skills to assess the fundamentals of a business and to evaluate the direction of the trend of a stock. But none of these technological competencies is as critical as the attitude of the trader.

Emotion containment, quick thinking, and discipline are components of what we might call trading psychology.

Discover each aspect of it with our articles below.

The 235 Best Trading Quotes Of All Time

The 235 Best Trading Quotes Of All Time

Discover the best trading quotes from the most inspiring traders of all time. Trading quotes let you get into the best traders' brain so you can level up your trading.In this article, you'll find all the best knowledge every trader should have read at least once!...

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Control your Emotions: Key to Trading Success

Control your Emotions: Key to Trading Success

They are various kind of emotions. In market trading, emotions can switch from really high feeling to a low feeling in matter of seconds.When emotions are too high, they can take over and traders can stop trading at their best.Understanding and mastering your emotions...

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Manage Greed and Fear: Unlock your trading

Manage Greed and Fear: Unlock your trading

Fear and greed are two strong emotions in humans (and traders).They are strong engines of economic movements.Treat your trading like a business, trade a plan and don't deviate due to emotions.There are several rules you can follow to reduce the risk you face greed and...

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11 Game Changing Habits of the Best Traders

11 Game Changing Habits of the Best Traders

Many aspiring traders just touch the surface when it comes to the habits of the successful traders of the world. They often wonder how to be successful traders. But don't go to the depths and thus can't identify the top habits that made them highly successful. These...

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Patience & Discipline: Key in Trading Success

Patience & Discipline: Key in Trading Success

The ultimate mysteries are opened only to those who have immense patience.Osho And Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there.Haile Gebrselassie Discipline is a bridge between your goals and your achievements.Patience isn't the...

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How to Stop Overthinking in Trading & in Life

Overthinking refers to a habit of thinking too much up to a certain level where it starts adversely affecting. This habit always adversely affects our life in general and trading in particular. In fact, it is a mental poison that dramatically affects our behavior,...

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10 Simple Steps to Remove All Emotions from Trading

If you want to make money in trading, it is important to remove emotions from trading. Why is it crucial for success in trading? Let me share with you facts from a study. Science Magazine conducted a study and proved that financial stress makes people lose 13% of...

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10 Best Billionaire Habits You can also Follow

Don't let yourself be trapped in the rat race to become a billionaire and follow the best billionaires habits. Yes, there is no need to search the entire internet to find how-tos, hacks, techniques, or philosophies to become successful overnight. There is no shortcut...

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The Rich Mindset vs the Poor Mindset – Key Differences

Understanding the rich vs poor mindset is a prerequisite to understanding how highly successful individuals are different from others. Why so? Because the differences between a successful person and others can easily be traced back to mindset. In simplest terms,...

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5 Forex Trading Psychology Tips to Help You Succeed

Forex trading psychology plays a vital role in determining the success of a forex trader. Why so? Because forex trading can be challenging for most of us. It requires more than just technical analysis and strategies. Therefore, the psychological aspects of forex...

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Are Candlestick Patterns Reliable

candlesticksWe loved Marwood Research’s course “Candlestick Analysis For Professional Traders“. Do you want to follow a great video course and deep dive into 26 candlestick patterns (and compare their success rates)? Then make sure to check this course!
PS: Get 20% off with the code SAVE20

Get “Every Candlestick Patterns Statistics”, The Last Trading Book You’ll Ever Need! 📖

PatternsWizard book - Every Candlestick Patterns Statistics

"Every Candlestick Patterns Statistics", the last trading book you'll ever need!

Pre-register now and receive the candlestick patterns statistics ultimate ebook for free before anyone else!

"All you need is one pattern to make a living."
- Linda Raschke

Awesome move! We are giving the last touch to the "Every Candlestick Patterns Statistics" book. We are very excited to send it to you right when it's ready. In the meantime, we'd like to gift you our trading roadmap and its best 55 resources. You'll shortly receive an email with the link. Don't miss it ;) Stay tuned 📈